Lucky Australian Teen Catches Barramundi Fish And Wins $1 Million By Complete Accident

A teenager in Australia has become both rich and famous after he caught a $1 million barramundi fish in Katherine (located in the Northern Territory). [YouTube/Screenshot/Public — 9 News Australia]

Talk about getting lucky!

A teenager in Australia has become both rich and famous after he caught a $1 million fish in Katherine (located in the Northern Territory). If you didn’t know, Katherine is known for being where the Outback clashes with the tropics, and as a result, it features both saltwater and freshwater crocodiles. In other words, this is very, very dangerous territory.

With that being said, Katherine also has some of the best barramundi fishing in the nation, and in an attempt to boost tourism to this remote arena, a contest was created where anglers could win $1 million if they caught a tagged barramundi.

Keegan Payne, a 19-year-old, is a native of Katherine and chose to go fishing one night, and boy oh boy, what a night he chose. He ended up becoming the first person in nine years to catch a tagged barramundi, turning it in to receive a cool $1 million reward. And with it being the first fish in nine years, you better believe it was all over the Australian press.


If you don’t know what a barramundi fish is, they look like a cross between a tarpon and snook, and you could even throw a little corvina in there. They’re not native to the United States, however, we do have some down here in Florida that can be caught — in a farm, that is.

Here’s a video on barramundi for more detail:

Imagine going fishing and accidentally winning $1 million though … crazy stuff!