Video explains how people should use new CYCLOPS junction as Milton Road works progress

A new junction designed to improve safety and journeys on Milton Road in Cambridge is nearing completion.

The Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) has largely completed work on three of the four sections of the new Cycling Optimised Protected Signals junction – known as a CYCLOPS – which segregates pedestrians and cyclists from motorised traffic.

Once work is complete on the junction later this summer, it will become the second CYCLOPS junction in Cambridge following on from the one delivered by the GCP as part of the Histon Road scheme.

The GCP has created a video to explain how people should approach and use the CYCLOPS junctions.

Cllr Elisa Meschini, chair of the GCP’s executive board, visited the site this week and said: “Construction on the Milton Road project is making good progress, and it will make significant improvements to people’s everyday lives and journeys when it is fully open.

“The CYCLOPS junction has been an excellent addition to Histon Road, and this new junction will provide similar benefits to people travelling along Milton Road. It is part of our ambition to deliver first-class walking and cycling infrastructure to encourage more people to travel sustainability.”

Aerial view of the completed CYCLOPS junction on Histon Road Picture: Greater Cambridge Partnership

New bus lanes and walking and cycling links will also be delivered as part of the Milton Road scheme to help encourage more people to walk, cycle or take the bus – helping to cut journey times and improve safety for all users.

Since construction began, more than 2,900m of new cycle lanes and footpaths have been added along Milton Road which is almost two miles or the equivalent of 28 football pitches.

Milestone, the GCP’s contractors, have added more than 8,700m of main, edging and kerbs – which is almost the height of Mount Everest – planted 115 trees and installed eight new bus stops.

Construction is expected to finish later this year. For more information visit