President of Finland on war in Ukraine: For now, only path to peace lies through battlefield

Photo: Alexander Stubb, President of Finland (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Currently, only events on the battlefield can lead to peace between Ukraine and Russia, stated Alexander Stubb, President of Finland, in an interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

"We need to start somewhere on the path to peace. After talks with Zelenskyy (President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky - ed.), I got the feeling that there is a sincere desire for peace," Stubb noted.

He clarified that the Ukrainian president invited leaders of several countries to a peace summit, scheduled for June 15-16 in Switzerland.

"I hope that as many heads of states and governments as possible will participate in it and that there will be a meeting with Russia. It may also happen unnoticed," the president added.

However, he said that currently, "the only path to peace lies through the battlefield."

He also commented on the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO. As the head of the Finnish state noted, this process "is irreversible."

Peace Summit

Ukraine and Switzerland are organizing a Peace Summit in June. It will be the first meeting regarding the Ukrainian peace formula at the head of state level.

Zelenskyy has emphasized that during the event, the Ukrainian government has planned to discuss three issues. One of them concerns energy and nuclear security.

All the details of what will be discussed at the summit are in the material by RBC-Ukraine.