US State Department announces deliveries of new arms to Ukraine in coming weeks

Archive photo: Spokesperson for the United States Department of State Matthew Miller (Getty Images)

The United States will announce new arms packages to Ukraine in the coming weeks, according to the US Department of State spokesman Matthew Miller.

The official said that the issue of increasing the number of personnel in the Ukrainian army should be decided by Ukraine. But at the same time, the United States will continue to support it militarily and continue to support its economy to bring it to a place where it can stand on its own two feet.

Miller said that a number of measures are being implemented in this regard. The money that was transferred to the additional package can already be seen. He stated that there would be more announcements in the additional package.

The State Department spokesperson also said that in the next few weeks, there will be more announcements regarding the supply of weapons to Ukraine.

Military assistance to Ukraine from the United States

Recently, the United States unblocked the process of providing assistance to Ukraine and announced the largest military aid package worth $6 billion.

Yesterday, Miller said that the United States is preparing new military aid packages for Ukraine. This will give the opportunity to reach the previous level of arms supplies.