The Biden Campaign Mocks Trump for 'Whining' About Being Kept From Campaign Trail

The Biden campaign mocked Donald Trump supporters 'suckered' into paying thousands for NFTs.MEGA

Joe Biden's reelection campaign blasted Donald Trump for holding a fundraising dinner for supporters "suckered into paying" thousands for NTFs, instead of hitting the campaign trail on his day off from court, has learned.

Trump has repeatedly claimed his hush money trial is "election interference" and a "Biden trial" that is preventing him from campaigning.

The Biden reelection campaign sent out a scathing memo ridiculing Trump.MEGA

While the ex-president was not required to appear at the Manhattan courthouse on Wednesday, he chose to hold a fundraising dinner at Mar-a-Lago instead of campaigning in battle ground states.

The Biden campaign took note of the ex-president's choice and roasted him for choosing to sell NFTs for thousands of dollars instead of campaigning in a memo.

Trump has repeatedly complained his hush money case is preventing him from campaigning.MEGA

"Donald’s Day Off: Selling NFT’s of Himself, as Biden-Harris Campaign…Campaigns," the campaign memo read. "While Trump Campaign Lags Behind, Biden-Harris 2024 Bolsters Battleground Staff, New $14M Media Blitz."

The memo continued to highlight Biden's campaign efforts before calling out Trump for "whining over and over again."

Instead of campaigning on Wednesday, Trump held a dinner at Mar-a-Lago for paying supporters.MEGA

"Donald Trump is not campaigning. After whining over and over again about how he wants to be on the campaign trail, he’s not talking to voters. Not campaigning. Again," the memo added.

"Tonight, he’s hosting a dinner with a bunch of people suckered into paying as much as $10,000 for simple digital images of him. Anything to make a quick buck for himself."

"Donald Trump can’t campaign – he doesn’t have a campaign or infrastructure to talk to voters," the Biden-Harris team continued. "We think this is the wrong approach."

After bashing Trump, the campaign announced "new investments to bolster its existing, historic efforts to reach the voters that will decide this election."

Biden's camp slammed Trump for hosting the dinner for supporters 'suckered into paying' for NFTs.MEGA

"Building off the strong momentum of our “March Month of Action,” Team Biden-Harris is announcing new investments to build on our efforts to reach the voters that will decide this election," the memo explained.

Those "new investments" included the launch of a $14 million ad campaign, which that kicked off in May with an ad hitting back at "Trump’s attacks on the Affordable Care Act and threats to strip healthcare from millions of Americans."

Biden's camp also noted the opening of more than "150 coordinated offices" and the hiring of over "400 staffers across the battlegrounds" in an effort to increase voter outreach ahead of November's election.

The campaign added, "we’re deepening our organizing efforts in key constituencies while continuing to show up in communities core to the Biden-Harris coalition."