Night attack by Shahed drones - Ukrainian defenders destroyed all drones

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported on the downed enemy drones (photo: Getty Images)

All the attacking drones launched by the Russian army to target Ukrainian territory were destroyed tonight by the Ukrainian air defense forces, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The military command clarified that in total, the enemy used ten Shahed kamikaze drones for the next air strike.

"During the night, the Russian army once again attacked Ukraine - using 10 UAVs of the Shahed type. All attacking UAVs were destroyed by the forces and means of the Ukrainian air defense," the General Staff's statement said.

Night air attack by Russia

Earlier, it was reported that during the night of May 10, Russian forces launched groups of Shahed kamikaze drones toward the Mykolaiv and Odesa regions for another air attack. Air raid alerts were announced in several regions.

Later, it became known that in the Mykolaiv region, in the area of the town of Snihurivka, explosions were heard due to enemy kamikaze drones.

Additionally, the Air Force command reported launches of guided aviation bombs by Russian tactical aircraft for strikes on the Kharkiv region.

There were explosions in Kharkiv due to the enemy's attack. Representatives of the city and regional authorities reported that the enemy strike hit a residential area. There were reports of fires in private residential buildings and one injured person.

Furthermore, an attack was carried out by the Russian army on Derhachi in the Kharkiv region.