'No sign of life': Trump's lack of election planning leaves GOP operatives panicked

Former U.S. President Donald Trump

Republican operatives at the state level are growing increasingly panicky at the lack of 2024 election information and help coming from the Republican National Committee since Donald Trump's hand-picked allies took control.

With the election less than six months away, the Washington Post is reporting that there is a growing revolt at the Republican state level that they are being kept in the dark as the RNC admittedly becomes leaner and shuts down several key operations while at the same time changing its focus to building up Trump's re-election campaign.

While top Trump strategist Chris LaCivita joked, “We’re focused on quality over quantity. I mean, how novel a concept,” GOP operatives don't see it a a laughing matter.

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"The situation has alarmed GOP officials in key states like Arizona, Georgia and Michigan, who have yet to receive promised funding, staff or even briefings on the new plans since theTrump team took control of the Republican National Committee in March. An earlier party blueprint for a general election build-out has been discarded, party officials say. Plans to open new offices have been scuttled. Hiring has been slowed," the Post is reporting.

Arizona GOP operative Kim Owens expressed frustration at the lack of direction and help coming from the RNC, telling the Post: "There is no sign of life. Especially in a state that Trump lost so closely last time, you’d expect to have more of a presence. I would think, ‘Let’s step it up.’ I think it’s a terrible mistake.”

Fears about the lack of a "ground game" also has Republican insiders fretting about a potential election debacle.

“What they are totally missing is a rank-and-file army,” one election insider admitted,

The Post report adds, "Another key Republican familiar with the national GOP’s operation in Arizona bemoaned the lack of money, staffing and direction from Trump’s team in the sprawling battleground state," with that person lamenting, “I said to someone yesterday, ‘No one’s coming — it’s just us.’”

You can read more here.

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