Neuroscientist wants you to eat raw almonds another way to keep your brain healthy

The properties of almonds are said to be highly beneficial to mental and physical health, but a neuroscientist says it does more harm than good when eaten raw.

Alzheimer’s researcher Dr. Robert Love who has dedicated his life to studying brain health has explained the harmful effects of almonds when consumed in their natural form.

Copyright John Lawson, Belhaven

Why you shouldn’t eat raw almonds

Dr. Robert Love says you should never eat regular almonds – raw almonds before processing – as they are likely to contain lectins – a unique component found in plants.

He describes lectins as “plant defenses” to protect themselves from being eaten. However, lectins can cause inflammation in humans when consumed.

Even though almond is considered a healthy snack owing to the nutrients it provides, such as fats fibers, and protein, the skin contains high levels of lectins.

Lectin is present in several grains, legumes, and nightshade; eliminating it from the diet can be challenging. However, food items with lectins are safe to consume when cooked well.

Lectins are known to cause issues in the digestive track and allergic reactions in some individuals. The TikTok neuroscientist believes the skin of almonds can significantly impact brain health in long run.

Safest way to eat almonds

While almonds in their natural form aren’t best to eat, they are safe to consume once processed. The neuroscientist suggests soaking them overnight and peeling the skin off before eating.

Or, you can also roast the soaked almonds in the oven after drying them thoroughly. Not only does it eliminate lectins, but it also adds texture and flavor to the snack.

He says the same about walnuts – another popular brain food. The Omega-3 fatty acids in it keep the brain healthy by repairing any damage to the cells.

But like almonds, walnuts are high in lectins too and you shouldn’t eat them raw either. So soak them in fluoride-free water for four to eight hours, rinse them, salt them, and place them in the oven at 250 degrees Fahrenheit for a medium roast.

Dr. Robert Love is a neuroscientist, researcher, and educator with millions of followers on social media thanks to his highly informative content about brain health.

He is currently leading a research team investigating a new FDA drug to help reverse Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Dr. Robert Love holds a bachelor’s degree from Swarthmore College where he received the prestigious Hans Wallach Research Fellowship, for research in psychology. He obtained his PhD in cognitive psychology at the University of Texas at Austin.