USA to announce new $400 million aid package to Ukraine today: Details from Politico

Photo: The United States is to announce new aid to Ukraine today (Getty Images)

Today, on May 10, the United States of America is announcing a new $400 million military aid package for Ukraine, according to Politico.

Information about the new military aid package for Ukraine was disclosed by two American officials. According to Politico, the amount of military aid will be $400 million. The package will include weapons that are already in US warehouses, namely:

  • New Patriot missiles;
  • Stringer anti-aircraft missiles;
  • Bradley fighting vehicles;
  • MRAP armored military vehicles;
  • Javelin anti-tank complexes and other weapons.

US assistance to Ukraine

Recently, President Joe Biden signed a bill that provides more than $60 billion in aid to Ukraine. Before that, the bill had been under consideration in the House of Representatives for a long time, as the two parties could not reach a consensus on the issue of the US-Mexico border. Later, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson initiated consideration of four bills that would provide assistance to US allies separately.

As President Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted earlier, the most important needs of Ukrainian soldiers are:

  • 155 mm artillery
  • long-range weapons;
  • air defense systems.

Also, yesterday, May 9, US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said that the United States planned to announce a new arms delivery to Ukraine in the coming weeks.

Read more about the assistance Ukraine has received from the United States during the war with Russia in the material of RBC-Ukraine.

Meanwhile, The Hill reported on how US aid could affect the situation on the battlefield.