'Give me a break!' CNN's Acosta whacks Trump for still trying to deny Stormy Daniels tryst

Former President Donald Trump speaks to the media at the end of the day after he appeared in court during his trial at Manhattan Criminal Court on April 26, 2024 in New York City for allegedly illegally falsifying business records in order to cover up hush money payments. (Photo by Mark Peterson - Pool/Getty Images)

Stormy Daniels told a jury about the sexual encounter that Donald Trump tried to hide from voters in 2016, and a political analyst scoffed at the idea that her testimony would help him attract new supporters for his re-election.

The former president has been charged with falsifying business records to cover up that affair as part of a scheme to violate election law, and Daniels provided salacious details about the extramarital affair about which she had been paid by former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen to keep quiet.

"Donald Trump's been saying all along that he didn't have this affair with Stormy Daniels, [but] it sounds like [defense attorney] Susan Necheles was all but admitting that in her cross-examination of Stormy Daniels," said CNN's Jim Acosta. "Come on, give me a break."

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Necheles tried to discredit Daniels on the stand by bringing up her work as an adult film actress and strip club performer, but political analyst David Urban said that likely wouldn't help his election chances with suburban women voters, although the trial seems to be binding his base supporters even closer to the presumptive Republican nominee.

"If you think it's going be helpful, that's obviously not going to be helpful," Urban said. "But the flip side is there are some people that feel that who are Trump supporters, right, to begin with, that, feel this, this ongoing – not prosecution, but persecution – of Donald Trump, it causes them to double down. It gets some people off the fence, and look, your panelist there, I've been watching this pretty closely. I think all agreed that perhaps the prosecution went a little too far, and they're dealing with Stormy Daniels. She wasn't a greatest witness for the prosecution, she was admonished by the court a few times, the prosecution several times, for going far afield of where they're supposed to, so I'm not sure her testimony was a net plus for the prosecution."

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