Man arrested after police uncover more than 500 cannabis plants at industrial estate in Herne Bay

A 34-year-old man has been arrested after a police drugs bust uncovered hundreds of cannabis plants growing in an industrial estate.

Police entered the Herne Bay site yesterday and discovered more than 500 cannabis plants at different stages of growth.

Police discovered over 500 plants at the Herne Bay industrial estate. Picture: Kent Police

A police spokesperson said: “The plants and growing equipment have been seized and an investigation into the site by East Kent CID is ongoing.

“A 34-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of cultivating cannabis and remains in custody while enquiries continue.”

A 34-year-old was arrested as the illegal operation was uncovered in Herne Bay. Picture: Kent Police

Anyone with concerns that drugs are being produced or sold in their area is urged to report them through the Kent Police website, or call 999 if a crime is in progress.”