Ex-Trump lawyer buried by female CNN hosts as he tries to shame 'untoward' Stormy Daniels

Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump (Photos: Steve Granitz/WireImage and vasilis asvestas / Shutterstock.com)

Donald Trump's former attorney William Brennan flipped out on live television over Stormy Daniels' recent testimony in the former president's criminal hush money trial.

Trump has pleaded not guilty to 34 counts of falsifying business records to conceal hush money payments to adult movie star Daniels, who testified Tuesday and Thursday about a one-night stand she says they shared.

Brennan lashed out against Daniels on CNN, both for her testimony and for a social media comment the adult film star posted Thursday evening in which she dared Trump to take the stand in his defense.

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"Now she's off the stand and she's on social media taunting the defendant!" Brennan exclaimed. "There's another ground for a mistrial!"

"I mean every defendant in our country who is charged with a crime has the right not to testify, and the judge will charge the jury at some point if a defendant doesn't testify, no adverse inference can be drawn. She's on social media saying real men get on the stand and testify."

"It's a disgrace!" he shouted. "This witness is out there on social media sticking a finger in a defendant's eye. And it's a ground for a mistrial."

Brennan called the trial a "sideshow," before attacking Daniels for going "off the rails" about the encounter. The judge had said he didn't want Daniels to give graphic details about Trump's body parts and other information that was immaterial to the case.

Daniels did, however, provide a lot of detail — which CNN legal analyst Karen Friedman Agnifilo claimed was completely legitimate because the defense opened the door to questions about Daniels' credibility in their opening statements.

Trump's lawyer on Thursday said that she "lied" and that the affair "never happened."

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Brennan went on to say Daniels "overplayed her hand" and "she does whatever she wants." Though he admitted that he didn't think the mistrial would be granted, he thought it was "close."

He then raised his voice to complain about the tweet Daniels posted on Thursday evening.

He demanded that the jury be polled about whether they saw the tweet and whether it did affect them.

CNN host Dana Bash acknowledged that Brennan could "make the argument, as you are, that this kind of behavior is untoward. But as it plays into the actual case and the ground rules of that, not only this judge but every case like this should follow. How is this grounds for a mistrial?"

Brennan claimed, "No, having sex with a guy you met a couple of hours earlier in a Lake Tahoe lounge is untoward. This is mistrial material."

That's when Kasie Hunt stepped in to ask why he was blaming Daniels for the sexual encounter instead of Trump. Daniels has claimed she believed the meeting was to have dinner and discuss her being on "Celebrity Apprentice."

"I just, you know, you can characterize it that way. I just think that it's clear that we're in a different phase of conversation about some of this stuff with women," said Hunt.

"And sure, you could say it's untoward for her to do. But is it more untoward of her to do that or is it more untoward of the powerful man who is married, twice almost three times her age ... takes off his clothes worried about — which is more untoward?"

Friedman Agnifilo chimed in: "I just think it's ironic that we're sitting here talking about this mean tweet that Stormy Daniels sent out. When who is the person who talks about, and does this mean tweets every day, all day, about everybody, right?"

After the hosts disagreed with Brennan, Bash said, "Your former client ... has said that this encounter didn't happen, but what you said about it being untoward for her to have sex, allegedly, with Donald Trump, Kassie's point about what about his responsibility with a wife and a brand new baby."

Brennan said, "I agree with you. If it happened, there are spreading — there's plenty..."

Kasie Hunt stepped in, saying that Brennan just said that it did happen, which left Brennan reeling. "No, no, no, no," he said.

See the full debate below or at the link here.

Ex-Trump lawyer buried by women for shaming 'untoward' Stormy Daniels for affair youtu.be

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