News digest: President Čaputová makes farewell visit to Ukraine

Good evening. Here is the Friday, May 10 edition of Today in Slovakia \- the main news of the day in less than five minutes.

Čaputová, preparing to leave presidency, receives Ukrainian state honour in Kyiv

"I thanked President Zelensky today for our friendship and cooperation with him,"said president Zuzana Čaputová on her social media. ©FB Zuzana Čaputová

President ZuzanaČaputová arrived in Kyiv on Friday morning for a farewell visit to Ukraine, her spokesperson Martin Strižinec announced.

"Today I arrived in Kyiv for a farewell visit. During my term, I have been here four times; this is the third time during the war. I am here also because I bring good news about Slovakia's assistance to Ukraine," she wrote on social media.

At the beginning of her visit, the president paid tribute to the memory of 118 Ukrainians victims who fell during intense fighting in Moshchun, a village near Kyiv, in a decisive battle there in March 2022.

"I have come to a country where there is war, a difficult situation, and immense human suffering. My farewell visit is also an opportunity to convey this message back home," stated Čaputová.

Later, she met President Volodymyr Zelensky, who thanked her for her strong moral support. Both praised the Slovak public fundraising effort to buy ammunition for Ukraine, which has now gathered more than €4.2 million. Čaputová received from Zelensky the highest Ukrainian state award, the Order of Yaroslav the Wise, 1st Class; the Ukrainian president was awarded the corresponding Slovak state honour, the Order of the White Double Cross, 1st Class, by President Čaputová.

Čaputová will conclude her term in office next month and is due to conduct several foreign visits during her last weeks as president.


  • History: The Ruthenians of northeastern Slovakia have an intriguing history, and an identity marked by their own language and religious practices.
  • Culture: Slovak artist Radovan Čerevka's restores a painting on a wall scarred by gunshots, turning it into a symbol of the war in Ukraine.
  • Opinion: Two successful women leaders reflect on the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on their lives, finding positives amidst challenges, and giving some insights on balancing work and life.
  • Culture: With a variety of events in Bratislava, from an embroidery workshop to a concert by Thirty Seconds to Mars, discover your favourite event here.
  • Good news: Another collection of feel-good stories about a Slovak teenager designer spotted by Vogue, the upgraded singing fountain in Košice, and more.

If you like what we are doing and want to support good journalism, buy our online subscription with no ads and a print copy of The Slovak Spectator monthly print edition will be mailed to your home in Slovakia. Thank you.


Slovak-led team uncovers gecko species that survived dinosaur extinction

The comparison of Bauersaurus cosensis (left) with a current living gecko. ©Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 68. 10.4202/app.01083.2023

Read about a recent fossil discovery in southwest France, led by Slovak palaeontologist Andrej Čerňanský, that suggests a previously unknown species of gecko survived the asteroid impact that is believed to have wiped out many of Earth's plant and animal species 66 million years ago.


The windmill in Holíč, western Slovakia. ©TASR

Slovakia also has its own windmills. The Holič windmill and the Palárik brothers' mill in Skalica are open to the public and worth a visit. For more details about these and other destinations read more here.


  • A survey conducted by the Centre for Environmental and Ethical Education (CEEV) Živica and the non-profit organization Teach found that 60% of Slovaks believe that students from marginalized Roma communities should be educated separately. Three-quarters of respondents said they would consider placing their child in a class with Roma classmates only under certain conditions.
  • Pro-Russian Smer MP Ľuboš Blaha has announced on his Telegram account that he is preparing for a "Che Guevara tour." He says he aims to save Slovakia's sovereignty – under the banner of a Cuban commmunist revolutionary. Other members of Robert Fico's party, among them Erik Kaliňák and Judita Laššáková, will reportedly join him on the road.
  • The European Commission has granted Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) status to Slovakia's Trenčianska borovička ‘JUNIPERUS,' describing it as a clear spirit with a pronounced aroma and taste of juniper berries. Produced in Trenčín, the drink has been recognized for over a century for its quality and traditional production methods. It joins a list of 26 Slovak products with protected status in the EU.
  • Slovakia has updated visa rules for non-EU job seekers. Those in low-skilled roles like cleaners need only a work contract, while skilled professions require proof of education alongside the contract. The change aims to streamline visa applications by specifying document requirements based on job types.
Photo of the day. On Slavín on May 8 Ľuboš Blaha together with Robert Fico relased doves of peace. ©Telegram, Ľuboš Blaha


Saturday and Sunday will be cloudy, but no showers are expected. Daytime highs will range from 18°C to 23°C. (SHMÚ)

NAME DAYS IN SLOVAKIA: Saturday - Blažena, Sunday - Pankrác, Monday - Servác

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