Donald Trump Trashes 'Crooked' Biden in Video Rant: 'Doesn't Know He's Alive!'

Trump alleged that Biden hates Israel and the Jewish people amid news that Biden said the U.S. would stop sending offensive weapons to Israel if its forces invade Rafah.Ron Sachs - CNP / MEGA; Chris Kleponis - CNP / MEGA

Donald Trump railed against President Joe Biden in a series of videos he posted to his Truth Social platform after the commander-in-chief described his GOP rival as a leader who promises the world but does not deliver, has learned.

"He's a confused man. He can't put two sentences together. He doesn't have a clue," Trump said in one video. "He doesn't know where he is. He doesn't know he's alive and he's our president."

"We have to end it. November 5th," Trump declared ahead of the election, also calling for Biden to lock in a debate as soon as possible in another video he posted on Thursday.

Trump started his message by pointing out that Biden said the White supremacist Charlottesville riot was a critical moment for the country and the catalyst for his 2020 White House run.

"Crooked Joe Biden would say constantly that he ran because of Charlottesville. We know that's not true," the embattled GOP frontrunner began his message. "And in any case, he's done a really terrible job because Charlottesville is like a peanut compared to the riots and anti-Israel protests that are happening all over our country right now," Trump continued.

"He's a confused man. He can't put two sentences together. He doesn't have a clue," Trump said in one video.MEGA

Trump then claimed that Biden sends the "wrong message every single time" and that it's led to a detrimental time in the country. "And that includes what happened with Russia and Ukraine. That includes October 7th. And that certainly includes a bad message on inflation."

In the same video, Trump went on to allege that Biden hates Israel and the Jewish people amid news that the president said the U.S. would stop sending offensive weapons to Israel if its forces invaded Rafah.

"If Jewish people are going to vote for Joe Biden, they have to have their head examined. He's a disaster for Israel. The problem is that he hates the Palestinians also, and even more so, and he just doesn't know what to do," claimed the former president.

"We have to end it. November 5th," Trump declared ahead of the election, also calling for Biden to lock in a debate as soon as possible in another video.MEGA

Biden, conversely, told CNN that his rival has constantly undermined his accomplishments, also noting in the same interview that the U.S. would "continue to make sure Israel is secure in terms of Iron Dome and their ability to respond to attacks."

"He's never succeeded in creating jobs. And I've never failed," Biden said of Trump. "When has he even done anything he said? I'm not being facetious. Think about it."

Biden, conversely, told CNN that his rival has constantly undermined his accomplishments, also noting in the same interview that the U.S. would "continue to make sure Israel is secure in terms of Iron Dome and their ability to respond to attacks."MEGA

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, meanwhile, told Dr. Phil on his primetime talk show that Biden is making a mistake by withholding weapons from his country amid the war against Hamas.

"We will do what we have to do to protect our country, and that means to protect our future. And that means we will defeat Hamas, including in Rafah. We have no other choice," he said.

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"I've known Joe Biden for many years, 40 years and more. We often had our agreements, but we've had our disagreements," added Netanyahu. "We've been able to overcome them. I hope we can overcome them now."