NATO ‘moving toward war’ — Hungarian FM Szijjarto

Peter Szijjarto

He reiterated that Hungary would not contribute to NATO’s military fund for Ukraine, which amounts to EUR 100 billion ($108 billion), nor participate in training Ukrainian troops.

“NATO has crossed its own red lines and is taking significant steps toward a conflict that could risk starting WWIII," said Szijjarto.

Read also: Western countries ‘one step away’ from deploying troops to Ukraine — Hungarian PM Orban

He added that NATO members are now treating the war in Ukraine as their own, a stance Budapest remains strongly opposed to.

“Those who consider this war as our own are advocating for a continuation of the conflict until Ukraine triumphs," the minister added.

Szijjarto said that diplomacy is "the only realistic path" to ending Russia’s war against Ukraine.

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Section: Nation

Author: Eric Malinowski