Convoy of 4x4s delivers vehicles and aid from Cambridge to Ukraine

A Cambridge-based Convoy4Ukraine team is now back in the UK after delivering urgently needed vehicles and aid to Ukraine.

A crew of nine volunteers completed the 1,200-mile journey across Europe with humanitarian supplies donated by local groups, businesses and Namysto, a local charity that runs the Cambridge Ukrainian School and initiatives to support Ukraine.

Elsa Walston between three of Convoy4Ukraine vehicles in Poland, before heading to Ukraine. Below left, Ukrainian recipients of the angels from the Cambridge Ukrainian School, decorated with individual messages of support. Below right, the English and Irish convoys at the Ukraine handover Pictures: Louis Mitchell

Convoy4Ukraine’s mission is to deliver 4x4s and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. The organisation has teamed up with “a group of reliable partners who bring expertise, resources and knowledge to improve our overall effectiveness”.

The four vehicles from Cambridge joined up with an Irish convoy on the Polish border for the final leg into Ukraine, together forming a group of 13 vehicles - nine four-wheel-drive vehicles, two vans and two ambulances. Representatives from Convoy4Ukraine’s partners, the Sunflower Network, helped to facilitate the border crossing.

Drivers Declan (left), Igor (right) with Convoy4Ukraine photographer Louis Mitchell

Tom Walston, Convoy4Ukraine, said: “We only ever take the aid requested by our Ukrainian partners, Sunflower Network, the most important being the vehicles themselves.”

“The indiscriminate destruction of towns, villages, roads and basic infrastructure means that there’s an urgent need for 4x4s to help with the delivery of care packages and civilian evacuations. Many – especially the elderly – do not want to leave their homes and possessions and choose to stay, despite the danger.”

The English and Irish convoys at the Ukraine handover. Picture: Louis Mitchell

James Crawford, Convoy4Ukraine driver, said: “It was an exciting moment to finally drive into Ukraine, travelling past golden-domed Orthodox churches to the outskirts of a small town. This was the rendezvous point for the handover of our vehicles and aid to the Ukrainian volunteer drivers who had come to collect them from different parts of the country.

“At the handover event the local mayor and a representative from the Sunflower Network gave moving speeches saying how much they appreciated the support for the Ukrainian people.”

Ukrainian recipients of the angels from the Cambridge Ukrainian School, decorated with individual messages of support. Picture: Louis Mitchell

Tom added: “The Ukrainian drivers were delighted to be given guardian angels made by children from the Cambridge Ukrainian School, decorated with individual messages of support.”

Convoy4Ukraine is planning a larger convoy to Ukraine 16-21 September, and are keen to hear from people who wish to volunteer or provide donations. Details here.