Austrian MPs host Tibetan government in exile, pledge support

Vienna (Austria) May 11 (ANI): In a show of solidarity, Austrian Members of Parliament opened their doors to Penpa Tsering, president of the Central Tibetan Administration, for a discussion on the plight of Tibetans amidst China's human rights abuses.

The meeting, held on Friday within the halls of the Austrian Parliament in Vienna, marked a pivotal moment in European support for Tibet's struggle against cultural oppression and political suppression.

Penpa Tsering, on a diplomatic mission across Europe for the past ten days, has been advocating for international awareness regarding China's systematic violations in Tibet.

His visit to Vienna saw him engaging with members of the Austrian People's Party and the GREENS, shedding light on China's egregious targeting of Tibetan children, and Buddhist monks, and the relentless assault on Tibetan cultural heritage.

During the parliamentary rendezvous, Penpa Tsering underscored two critical concerns: the grave implications of China's operation of state-controlled boarding schools in Tibet and the urgent need to safeguard Tibetan religious freedom and Buddhist heritage.

He laid bare the reality of China's tight grip over the Tibet Autonomous Region and Tibetan-populated areas, stifling political dissent and trampling on cultural and religious expressions.

In his impassioned plea, Penpa Tsering called for a nuanced understanding of China's behaviour, emphasizing its ramifications not only for Tibet but also for Europe's own interests.

He urged recognition of Tibet's historical independence and endorsed the middle-way approach for autonomy as a viable solution. His words resonated with the Austrian Parliamentarians, who acknowledged the imperative of sustained international support for Tibetans in their quest for fundamental rights.

Gudrun Kugler, MP from the Austrian People's Party and spokesperson for human rights and displaced persons, along with Faika El-Nagashi, MP from the GREENS, joined forces with a delegation from Save Tibet, Austria, and Friends of Tibet, Austria, in reaffirming their commitment to upholding human rights.

They pledged to amplify the Tibetan cause in various multilateral forums to hold the Chinese government accountable for its transgressions. (ANI)