Donald Trump Reacts To Barron Trump's Role In RNC, Misstates Son's Age In Process: 'He's Pretty Young'

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In an interview aired this week, former PresidentDonald Trump mistakenly stated that the age of his youngest son,Barron Trump, was 17, though Barron turned 18 in March.

Donald Trump’s error occurred when he reacted to his son’s involvement as a delegate from Florida for the Republican National Convention, reported NBC News.

“He’s pretty young, I will say. He’s 17,” Donald Trump said in an interview with Telemundo 51 of Miami. “But if they can do that, I’m all for it.” Telemundo is the Spanish-language network of NBCUniversal, the parent company of NBC News.

Donald Trump affectionately described his youngest son’s delegate role as “very cute,” noting Barron Trump’s youth and imminent high school graduation.

However, Barron Trump turned down the opportunity to serve as a delegate for Florida at the upcoming Republican National Convention or RNC.

The teenager declined the offer, citing “prior commitments,” as per a statement from the office of former First Lady Melania Trump, reported The Hill on Friday.

“While Barron is honored to have been chosen as a delegate by the Florida Republican Party, he regretfully declines to participate due to prior commitments,” the statement read.

Barron Trump is set to graduate from high school next week. The former president requested a pause in his New York criminal trial to attend the graduation on May 17, NBC News added.

Read Next: Donald Trump’s Youngest Son Declines To Be RNC Florida Delegate ‘Due To Prior Commitments’

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