Jake Tapper Blasts Trump For Saying Jewish Americans Voting for Biden 'Have to Have Their Head Examined'

Jake Tapper has criticized Donald Trump for implying that Jewish Americans who vote for Joe Biden are crazy.mega

CNN anchor Jake Tapper has criticized Donald Trump for implying that Jewish Americans who vote for Joe Biden are crazy, RadarOnline.com has learned.

The embattled former president took to his Truth Social platform this week to trash Biden for saying that the United States will stop supplying Israel with weapons if the country's armed forces proceed with an invasion of Rafah.

Trump trashed Biden for saying that the United States won't supply Israel with weapons for an invasion of Rafah.MEGA

"The fact is that Crooked Joe hates Israel and he hates the Jewish people. There’s no question about that," Trump ranted in a video. "And if Jewish people are going to vote for Joe Biden, they have to have their head examined. He’s a disaster for Israel."

"The problem is that he hates the Palestinians also, and even more so, and he just doesn’t know what to do," he continued. "He’s a confused man. He can’t put two sentences together. He doesn’t have a clue. He doesn’t know where he is."

"He doesn’t know he’s alive and he’s our president. We have to end it. November 5th. We’re going to end it."

"To say that 75 or 80% of the Jewish people ‘need to get their heads examined’ is pretty offensive, empirically," Tapper said.MEGA

Tapper responded, "Let me just say, this idea, the Jewish people vote for Joe Biden, ‘They’re going to have to have their heads examined.’ Jews vote for Democrats roughly 75, 80%. To say that 75 or 80% of the Jewish people ‘need to get their heads examined’ is pretty offensive, empirically."

Kate Bedingfield, former White House communications director under Biden added, “Well, look. Surprise, surprise, Donald Trump goes to hateful, offensive language and talking about an issue that is incredibly emotional and passionate and complicated for people. So, you know, to me, that right there is an indicator of what a flawed messenger Donald Trump is, period."

"But going back to the politics on this, for Biden, I mean, look, I think what Joe Biden is doing is putting action to words," she continued." I mean, we know that President Biden and his team have been working directly with Israeli leadership for the last few months, trying to push them to a more tactical plan in Rafah, trying to limit civilian deaths. They’ve been very clear."

"We’ve seen a lot of reporting that they’ve been very clear and very direct. You know, President Biden has been direct with Netanyahu. This was going to be where he was going to need to be publicly if they did not adjust course. So, I think what Joe Biden is doing is showing that the words of an American president matter, and then the action you put behind it matters. Does not mean he’s walking away from supporting Israel."

John Stewart blasted Donald Trump for giving a "shame lecture to Jews."Youtube/The Daily Show; MEGA

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Late-night talk show host Jon Stewartalsotore into Trump on Thursday night's episode of The Daily Show after the ex-president made similar comments while speaking to reporters outside the New York courthouse where his criminal hush money trial is taking place.

"What Biden is doing with respect to Israel is disgraceful," Trump declared. "If any Jewish person voted for Joe Biden, they should be ashamed of themselves."

"Thank you so much for taking time off of your condom-less pornstar hush money trial, to deliver a shame lecture to Jews. I will reflect on your moral standing next Yom Kippur," Stewart joked.