Donald Trump Denies Considering Nikki Haley for VP Slot

Donald Trump has denied reports that he is considering Nikki Haley as his running mate.MEGA

Former president and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump has denied reports that he is considering Nikki Haley, the last Republican to withdraw from the primary, as his running mate in the 2024 election, has learned.

"Nikki Haley is not under consideration for the V.P. slot, but I wish her well! DJT," Trump wrote in a post on his Truth Social platform on Saturday morning.

"Nikki Haley is not under consideration for the V.P. slot, but I wish her well! DJT," Trump wrote.MEGA

Axios had reported on Saturday that "two people familiar with the dynamic" confirmed that Haley was under "active consideration."

"The GOP rivals' relationship remains chilly. But the sources said Trump could pick Haley if he were convinced she'd help him win the presidency, avoid a potential prison sentence and cover tens of millions in legal bills if he loses," the report claimed.

Trump has said he will likely pick his running mate close to the Republican National Convention in July.MEGA

Haley officially dropped out of the presidential race in March. "In all likelihood, Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee when our party convention meets in July," she said at the time. "I congratulate him and wish him well. I wish anyone well, who would be America’s president. Our country is too precious to let our differences divide us."

She has not endorsed Trump. "I have always been a conservative Republican and always supported the Republican nominee but on this question, as she did on so many others, Margaret Thatcher provided some good advice when she said, quote, 'Never just follow the crowd, always make up your own mind,'" Haley explained.

"It is now up to Donald Trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him. And I hope he does that. At its best, politics is about bringing people into your cause, not turning them away. And our conservative cause badly needs more people. This is now his time for choosing."

Haley officially dropped out of the presidential race in March.MEGA

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Haley, who served as Trump's ambassador to the United Nations, previously ruled out the possibility of being his vice president.

Trump has said he will likely pick his running mate close to the Republican National Convention in July.