Watch: CNN host screams as cicada flies around the set

Hosts on CNN recoil as a cicada flies around on the set (Screen cap via CNN)

CNN's Amara Walker on Sunday screamed loudly after a cicada began flying around on the set.

The cicada in question was brought by Dr. Saad Bhamla, an assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology who came on to discuss the insects' life cycles and mating habits.

Shortly after introducing Bhamla, the cicada that was perched on his hand took flight and began buzzing around the area where Walker was seated, causing her to scream and then cover her face with a piece of paper.

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She immediately started laughing about her reaction to the insect and then said that "as much as I'm freaking out about [the cicada], it really is beautiful because its wings are translucent."

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She then asked Bhamla why the cicadas come out from underground every spring, as they live for more than a decade in the soil before emerging.

Bhamla said that the cicadas we see are essentially at the end of their lives and that they are emerging to find a mate, lay eggs, and then die.

"It's just one of those peculiar things about nature," he explained.

While cicadas emerge in the United States every spring, scientists are projecting that their presence this year might be significantly intense given that two broods featuring billions of cicadas are expected to emerge at once.

Watch the video below or at this link.

Amara Walker screams as cicada flies around the set

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