Younger women are more sleep-deprived than men and it's nothing to do with their bedtime

Sleep deprivation takes a serious toll on your mental and physical health and a recent survey shows that the majority of young American women aren’t getting enough sleep.

The survey by Gallup studied US citizens of different age groups to understand their sleeping behavior and learned that more than half of the population isn’t getting as much sleep as they did nearly a decade ago.

Woman bored and yawning

Majority of Americans say they could sleep better

The polling results show a drastic decline in average sleep among Americans as adults who sleep eight or more hours are fewer than those who get less than five hours of sleep every night.

While the figures from 2013 show that 56% of Americans got the sleep they needed while 43% were deprived of it, the numbers are almost the opposite in 2023 – 57% say they could feel better if they got to sleep more, and 42% are satisfied.

On average, nearly 20% of Americans reported getting less than five hours of sleep, 53% sleep for six to seven hours, and 26% get more than eight hours of sleep.

Women report sleeping less than men

The survey found that “Younger women, at 27%, are much less likely than other age-by-gender groups to report getting adequate sleep.”

Whereas, younger men reported getting adequate sleep – 46% in 2023 compared to 54% in 2001. However, the lack of substantial sleep in younger women is the highest.

There has to be a reason behind the population’s issues with sleep and it is more common than you’d imagine. We recently told you stress contributed to belly fat, it seems it’s keeping more than half of Americans awake at night too.

About 63% of those who said they could sleep better admitted to experiencing stress regularly. The American Psychological Association has established the relationship between the two stating: “Those who sleep less are more stressed, and those who are more stressed sleep less.”