Huge fire breaks out in Serebryanskyi forest in frontline Luhansk Oblast — video

A large-scale fire in the Serebryanskyi forest in Luhansk Oblast, Internal Ministry's video footage released on May 12

A video shows efforts to control a massive fire in the frontline Serebryanskyi forest in Luhansk Oblast, with smoke engulfing long-damaged trees.

"It's the third hour of extinguishing the forest fire," a voiceover states.

In an effort to halt the spread of the fire, some trees are being cut down.

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Drone footage reveals large smoke plumes rising from the forest.

"Serebryanskyi forest now," the video caption said.

"Another destruction of our land by the Russian Federation. The Serebryanskyi Forest covers 10.1 hectares. A defense line has run through this forest since late summer 2022. We continue to fight for every meter of Ukrainian land."

Ukrainian soldiers have noted the near absence of wildlife in the forest.

On April 20, the Ukrainian National Guard shared a video depicting the forest's devastation, including destroyed pine trees and the bodies of Russian soldiers.

Read also: Russia claims ATACMS strike on oil depot in temporary occupied Luhansk Oblast – Video

The forest was previously known for its rare and protected plant species and the common frog, a rare amphibian species.

Serebryanskyi forest on the DeepState map DeepState

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Section: Nation

Author: Андрій Журба