Man falls onto German motorway as refugees cling to bottom of coach

Two refugees stowed away underneath a coach until one of them fell onto the carriageway of a motorway in the southern German state of Bavaria on Sunday, suffering only minor injuries, police reported.

A woman driving behind the bus on the A99 motorway through the Bavarian district of Ebersberg was able to brake and prevent the man from being run over.

The bus driver, alerted by her beeping, stopped shortly afterwards near the nearby town of Vaterstetten. A second man then crawled out from under the vehicle and ran to his companion.

The police said that the two men were asylum seekers from Morocco. According to their own statements, they are 26 years old.

It was initially unclear how long they had been travelling under the bus and how exactly they were holding on. However, it must have been near the exhaust system, said a police spokesman. The two were covered in soot. Because the second man had also suffered abrasions, both were taken to hospital.