Neuroscientist warns against 'blacking out' on alcohol as it's linked to a serious brain disorder

Drinking alcohol to the point of losing consciousness or “blacking out” is common among those who indulge in the habit. But it can seriously impact your brain, according to a neuroscientist.

The benefits of alcohol are long debated and more studies have established its harmful effects on health. While the World Health Organization declared that “no amount of alcohol consumption is safe”, excessive intake is said to result in irreversible damage to the brain.

Young drunk man sleeping on bar counter in pub

Alzheimer’s researcher warns against ‘blacking out’

Researcher and neuroscientist Dr. Robert Love claims that people who often drink until they blackout are more prone to Alzheimer’s. In one of his TikTok videos highlighting the dangers of alcohol, he warns against the common but dangerous habit.

For the unversed, Alzheimer’s is a type of brain disorder that affects memory and the ability to think in addition to several behavioral changes. According to the neuroscientist, your love for excessive alcohol intake directly contributes to the condition.

He’s listed several ways drinking can impact the brain including impairment of momentary and consolidation memories. It is also believed to impact your sleep, thus comprising immunity.

Dr. Robert also talks about the effects of alcohol on the gastrointestinal system as it “impairs gut bacteria”, which hurts the brain again.

He concludes the video by saying: “Please do not drink to the point where you lose consciousness or lose the ability to remember where you blackout. That significantly increases your risk of Alzheimer’s disease in the future.”

Supplements to reduce alcohol intake

Always consult a doctor if you’re a frequent drinker planning to quit as it can cause several symptoms when stopped at once. In another video, Dr. Robert Love shares different supplements that help you cut down on alcohol.

He recommends taking activated charcoal either before or after drinking as it is effective in absorbing alcohol in your stomach to reduce its impact on your body.

He goes on to suggest using magnesium while claiming that it’s “shown to reduce addiction” towards several substances including sugar.

His final suggestion includes Lion’s Mane, which is said to lower anxiety, stress, and dependency on alcohol to elevate the mood.