Commander of operational-tactical grouping Kharkiv changed amid Russian offensive

Mykhaylo Drapatyi, new commander of the operational-tactical grouping of troops (OTGT) Kharkiv (Photo:

Against the backdrop of the Russian forces' advance in the north of the Kharkiv region, the commander of the operational-tactical grouping of troops (OTGT) Kharkiv was replaced. Mykhaylo Drapatyi replaced Yuri Halushkin in this position, the operational-strategic grouping of troops Khortytsia reported.

"According to the decision of the military leadership on May 11, Brigadier General Mikhaylo Drapatiy was appointed as the commander of the operational-tactical grouping of troops Kharkiv," the operational-strategic grouping of troops Khortytsia informed.

At the same time, Drapatiy remains the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

About OTGT Kharkiv and its former leader

The operational-tactical grouping of troops (OTGT) Kharkiv is a union of Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is part of the operational-strategic grouping of troops Khortytsia. It was formed during the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Units of the grouping participated in the Kharkiv counteroffensive.

In early April 2024, General Yuri Halushkin became the commander of OTGT Kharkiv, replacing Andriy Grytskov as the deputy head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, Roman Semenukha reported.

OTTG Kharkiv is responsible for the direction of the Slobozhanskyi defense.

Who is Mykhaylo Drapatiy

Mykhaylo Drapatiy is a former commander of the 2nd Mechanized Battalion of the 72nd Separate Mechanized Brigade, which, in May 2014, entered Mariupol to reinforce units repelling terrorists' assaults and liberating hostages.

In 2014, he entered the National Defense University of Ukraine. Later, he transferred (ATO) as the chief of staff of the 30th Separate Mechanized Brigade. In 2026, he was the commander of the 58th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade and, from 2017, the brigade commander directly in the ATO zone.

In April 2019, Drapatiy was prematurely promoted to the rank of Colonel. In August of the same year, he handed over command of the 58th Brigade to another commander and began a two-year course as a student at the National Defense University named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky.

Until January 2024, he headed the operational group Kherson. Known as one of the commanders who led the liberation of the right bank of the Kherson region in 2022.

In February 2024, he was appointed Deputy Chief of Staff for Military Training.

Russian offensive in the Kharkiv region

Recall that since May 10, Russian forces have crossed the border of Ukraine in the north of the Kharkiv region and have captured several border villages as part of the offensive. Fighting for Vovchansk is currently ongoing. The city is under heavy fire, and evacuation continues from there and nearby settlements.

According to the General Staff, the enemy has deployed significant forces to advance on the city, consisting of up to 5 battalions, and does not consider its own losses. The situation is described as complex and dynamic.

For more details, read the RBC-Ukraine's article "Demonstration or offensive - What Russia plans starting fights in Kharkiv region".