Shunsuke Nakamura sends a class message to Celtic fans

Celtic will be absolutely delighted with the impact their awards ceremony at the Hydro on Sunday night has made.

Fresh off the high of beating Rangers over the weekend and taking a giant step towards a third successive title, the club put on quite the show at Scotland’s premier concert arena.

Matt O’Riley was the big winner on the night, taking home awards in three categories – Young Player of the Year, Players’ Player of the Year and Player of the Year.

You can’t escape clips and photos of the event on social media as fans share the best moments and their favourite appearances.

One of the most popular came from Celtic icon Shunsuke Nakamura, who won the “Legendary Goal of the Season” award – voted on by fans from a selection of winners over the last 20 years.

Photo credit should read PAUL ELLIS/AFP via Getty Images

Shunsuke Nakamura’s stunning free-kick still special for Celtic fans

His otherworldly free-kick that beat Manchester United in the Champions League back in 2006 was the biggest hit with supporters, earning the set piece specialist another trophy for his efforts at the Hoops.

Now retired from playing and working as a coach in Japan, Nakamura couldn’t make it to the event but did send a special video message to fans.

He said: “Hello Celtic fans, it’s Shunsuke Nakamura. It’s been a while. I finished my professional career in the 2022 season and I’m now a coach at Yokohama FC.

“I was told that my goal against Manchester United has now been voted best goal. I’m honoured to receive this award. Thank you so much.

“I loved my time at Celtic and in Glasgow playing in front of the best fans in the world. I hope to be able to come back again in the future and see you all in person. Thank you again for your support.”

Anyone who witnessed Nakamura’s free-kick live in person or on television will never forget that moment for the rest of their lives. It was one of those footballing events where time stands still. You’ll always feel like it was yesterday.

It would be fantastic to see the midfielder back in Glasgow soon to take in a Celtic game and take in an ovation from fans who still recall his contributions to the club so fondly.