Band Soft Play, formerly Slaves, film music video in Tunbridge Wells for upcoming album Heavy Jelly

A punk-rock duo have released a music video for their new album which was filmed in a Kent town.

Soft Play, formerly known as Slaves, shot Act Violently in and around Tunbridge Wells.

Laurie Vincent and Isaac Holman from Soft Play, formerly known as Slaves. Picture: Laurie Vincent

Formed in 2012, the band is made up of Isaac Holman, lead vocals and drummer, with Laurie Vincent, who plays guitar and bass.

The pair returned from a hiatus in December 2022 after deciding to change their name.

In an Instagram post, they said: "When it comes down to it, the music and the community surrounding our band are what matter the most and we don't want anything to stand in the way of that community being as inclusive as possible.

“Our music is for anyone and everyone.

"With that being said, we are very happy to be back together again and are excited for what the future holds.”

The pair filmed in front of the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council building. Picture: YouTube

Isaac attended Hugh Christie School in Tonbridge and Laurie went to Oakwood Park Grammar in Maidstone.

Their new music video, Act Violently, was filmed throughout Tunbridge Wells town centre.

It features an angry Isaac trying to chase after a masked man on an electric scooter.

Eagle-eyed viewers can spot The Pantiles, the Millennium Clock and Opera House Wetherspoons along Mount Pleasant Road in the background.

Issac also holds up a mock newspaper called The Tunbridge Wells Rant – with the headline “e-scooter hooligans cause chaos” – before throwing it on the ground.

The Pantiles featured in the background of the music video. Picture: YouTube
Isaac holds a mock newspaper in one of the shots. Picture: YouTube

Both are also pictured in front of the borough council building, as well as the historic High Rocks.

Near the end of the video, following a fight,it is revealed that the masked troublemaker is none other than his friend Laurie.

Act Violently was released on Thursday, May 2 and currently has more than 84,000 views on YouTube.

Click here to watch the music video.

It is part of their upcoming fourth album, Heavy Jelly, which is out on Friday, July 19.

Act Violently is part of their upcoming album Heavy Jelly. Picture: YouTube

The pair previously filmed at Mote Park in Maidstone for their song Take Control.

In the video, they can be seen pedalling around on a tandem bicycle with a boombox fixed to the handlebars.

It featured in their second album – also called Take Control – which was released in September 2016 and reached number six in its first week on the UK Albums Chart.