Congregation Proves Its Mettle When Gunman Tries to Storm Children’s First Communion

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A teenager was arrested in Louisiana over the weekend after he attempted to enter a Catholic Couch armed with a rifle and was stopped by parishioners and held until police arrived.

The harrowing incident occurred on Saturday morning at the Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic Church south of Lafayette in the city of Abbeville when the church said a “suspicious person” tried to enter.

According to police and the church, as dozens of children were about to receive First Communion, an armed 16-year-old male opened a back door and he was immediately confronted by members of the congregation.

KADN-TV reported 60 children were inside when the incident occurred at about 10:35 a.m.

Someone alerted Father Nicholas Dupre to the situation by whispering in his ear and he responded by asking those present to remain seated while he prayed the Hail Mary.

Dupre was joined in the prayer but a panic soon spread throughout the church.

The moment was caught on video by the church’s live broadcast of its Saturday morning Mass.


An anti Catholic terrorist was arrested after entering a Catholic Church with a rifle, intending to massacre children and families during a First Holy Communion ceremony in Abbeville, Louisiana

— Catholic Arena (@CatholicArena) May 12, 2024

According to a statement posted on Facebook by the Abbeville Police Department, the teen was clad in all back and he was quickly taken into custody.

“The person was confronted by parishioners and escorted outside,” police said. “Upon arrival, Officers arrested the suspect and placed him in custody. Officers with the Abbeville Police Department and Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office made a sweep through the church to ensure there was no additional threat and confirmed that no one was injured.”

Police also said the 16-year-old was questioned in the presence of one of his parents before he was ultimately sent to the psych ward of an area hospital.

He was charged with one count of terrorizing and two counts of possession of a firearm by a juvenile.

Police did not disclose the teen’s motives for entering the church.

In a statement on the near-tragedy, the church said it was grateful to the police and brave congregants and that all additional services for the foreseeable future would be held with armed security.

The church said:

“Out of an abundance of caution, we will have uniformed law enforcement at all upcoming Masses. We invite First Communicants to receive First Holy Communion at whichever Mass they choose to attend this weekend. We are grateful for all the prayers for our St. Mary Magdalen community.”

Local police have been joined in the ongoing investigation by the FBI.

Saturday’s incident happened less than a week after a man entered a Pennsylvania church and attempted to shoot a pastor who was in the middle of delivering a sermon.

Last Sunday at the Jesus' Dwelling Place Church in the Pittsburgh suburb of North Braddock, a man pulled out a pistol at Rev. Glenn Germany and attempted to open fire.

The gun jammed and 26-year-old Bernard Junior Polite was tackled and arrested, ABC News reported.

Germany was unharmed, calling the event a "miracle."