Matthew Thorpe tells how Ford Fusion crashed into his Vauxhall Corsa in Gilford Road, Deal

A car was smashed and left a mangled wreck after another vehicle struck it before the driver was reportedly spotted fleeing the scene.

The innocent victim was badly bruised and has told of the terrifying moments following the crash in Deal.

A police officer views Matthew Thorpe's damaged Vauxhall Corsa at Gilford Road, Deal

Matthew Thorpe, 28, who was on his way to work at the time of the crash, said: “Although it was just pure shock that night, I am now very angry and want to see this individual caught.”

The crash happened at Gilford Road, Deal, at about 9.10pm on Sunday, May 5 when Mr Thorpe was heading to work in his Vauxhall Corsa.

He explained that a Ford Fusion came out of Blenheim Road and struck his car at the front.

He claims he saw the driver get out and fall over but then was able to still run from the scene.

Mr Thorpe added: “Although I was incredibly dazed, I saw the driver leave his vehicle and land face first on their face.

“I then recall everything being quite a blur until someone began knocking on my passenger side window and asking if I was ok.

The Ford Fusion after the crash at Gilford Road, Deal

“A number of neighbours who came out from their homes informed me they witnessed the driver run away from the scene, although he did appear injured. “

Mr Thorpe suffered heavy bruising to his chest and right thigh.

He said police told him the other driver was uninsured and it later became apparent the car was not taxed and allegedly failed an MOT test earlier this year.

A police spokesperson told KentOnline: “We were called to a report of a collision involving two vehicles at 9.09pm on Sunday, May 5.

“A wall was also reported damaged during the incident.

“Officers attended the scene in Gilford Road where the driver of one of the vehicles had left prior to their arrival. A search of the area was completed and inquiries are ongoing.”