New choral scholarship initiative a very exciting opportunity to support young musicians in Newbury.

Newbury Choral Society’s new choral scholarship initiative is a very exciting opportunity to support young musicians in Newbury.

The scholars should be aged 16-24, and the scheme is aimed primarily at A-level and gap-year students, university students and recent graduates.

The scheme would aim to pay each choral scholar £250/term to support their early career development.

Newbury Choral Society bursaries

As well as giving young singers encouragement to engage in choral music, it would also provide scholars the opportunity to perform step-out solos within the pieces the choir performs and to take a leading role within the choir.

To oversee this alongside their development, they would receive periodic coaching by the musical director Joe Tobin, who is an accomplished conductor, composer, singer and musical scholar. He has performed alongside ensembles such as I Fagiolini, the Royal Academy of Music Chamber Choir, and the Cambridge Fundraising Choir.

This initiative is intended to bring in a fresh influx of four talented young singers, one for each section of the choir (SATB), which in equal measure would reinforce the already high quality of the choir and provide guided experience for young singers to lead and learn.

By supporting young musicians in the wider Newbury area, the choir would not only contribute to the growth and development of choral music but also strengthen ties with the local arts community and educational institutions.

Choral Scholarship schemes like these have proved hugely beneficial in recent years, and the choir is proud to announce this opportunity to invest in the future of the choir and the Newbury arts scene.

There are plans to advertise widely in the near future, in order to audition and appoint scholars for September.

Visit the choir website for details and application forms.