Ukrainian intelligence chief assesses escalation on frontline

Photo: Chief of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine Kyrylo Budanov (rbc ua)

Currently, the situation at the front is approaching critical. Ukrainian forces will be able to strengthen their positions and stabilize the front in the next few days, Defense Intelligence Chief Kyrylo Budanov tells The New York Times.

"The situation is on the edge. Every hour this situation moves toward critical," Budanov says via video link from a bunker in Kharkiv.

The agency notes that his assessment of the situation echoes that of other Ukrainian officers who recently said that the country's military prospects are deteriorating.

They attribute this to the critical shortage of ammunition and the number of troops. This is especially true against the backdrop of the months-long approval of a $60.8 billion aid package from the United States, which has barely begun to deliver weapons to Ukraine.

Where Ukrainian troops are concentrated

Budanov believes that the Russian attacks in the northeast are intended to stretch the already thin reserves of Ukrainian soldiers and divert them from fighting elsewhere.

"This is exactly what is happening now," he admits.

According to the DIU chief, the Ukrainian army is trying to redeploy troops from other parts of the front to strengthen the defense in the northeast, but it is very difficult to find personnel.

"All of our forces are either here or in Chasiv Yar. I’ve used everything we have. Unfortunately, we don’t have anyone else in the reserves," he says.

However, despite this, General Budanov estimates that Ukrainian forces will be able to strengthen their positions and stabilize the front in the next few days.

Russian goal

According to the head of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, the goal of the Russians in the northeast is to sow panic and confusion in the region.

"At the moment, our task is to stabilize the line and then begin to push them back across the border,” he said, adding that an influx of Ukrainian reserves had managed to “partially disrupt their plans.”

Defense Intelligence of Ukraine in Kharkiv region

The Russian occupiers have launched an active offensive in the northeastern regions of Kharkiv region. One of those who are now intensively repelling the Russian invaders' attacks are DIU fighters who are performing various tasks on the battlefield to counteract the Russian occupiers' plans.

Thus, today it was reported that Ukrainian reconnaissance men in the Kharkiv region conducted a series of successful strikes against the Russian occupants and their equipment.