Berlin mayor visits Tokyo in bid to deepen ties

Twin cities Berlin and Tokyo want to further deepen their partnership and work together on 21st century problems such as climate change.

"We are facing global challenges that we must tackle in our metropolises," Berlin Mayor Kai Wegner said on Tuesday in Tokyo at the signing of a new communiqué with Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike.

The twinning of the two cities happened exactly 30 years ago.

The past 30 years have been "very significant" for Tokyo and Berlin, Tokyo Governor Koike said at the ceremony.

Wegner told an audience at the City Hall in the Japanese capital: "I believe that the next 30 years will be even more important."

In times of urbanization "and ever-increasing pressure on cities," it is important that they retain their quality of life, he added.

"So people can live there happily, well and safely," said the Christian Democrat politician.

Wegner cited climate change, affordable housing, mobility, start-ups and the digitalization of administration as common challenges for the two cities.

"I would like to see even closer cooperation with Tokyo in areas such as these," Wegner said.

During his visit to Tokyo, the Berlin mayor will meet with the management of technology companies Mitsubishi and Fujitsu, among others.

Wegner, who is accompanied by a business delegation, will also be a guest at the SusHi Tech Tokyo conference, which focuses on sustainability and innovative future technologies.