Busking Barbers has van stolen from home in Rainham

A mobile barber is vowing to “bounce back” after one of his custom-fitted vans was stolen, stripped for parts, and destroyed.

Aaron Simmonds woke on Friday (May 10) to notice one of his vehicles was gone from his home in Rainham.

Damaged Busking Barber van was found in Queenborough. Picture: Aaron Simmons

It was later found in Queenborough but had been stripped of its contents. The engine had also gone.

Aaron created his brand in 2020 when restrictions on social interactions due to Covid meant he had to get creative to reach clients.

The concept of a mobile barber proved hugely popular and by October 2022 he was able to expand to a second mobile grooming station bringing on friend and fellow hairdresser, Danny O’Neill into the business.

It was this second station that had been destroyed.

Aaron has been angered by the whole situation.

He said: “Unfortunately our second van was stolen and stripped of its engine and parts.

Aaron Simmons with his Busking Barber van. Picture: Aaron Simmons

“I can’t tell you how angry it makes me that they continue to ruin small businesses and disregard the livelihoods of hard-working people.

“We feed our children, we pay our bills and taxes and we have tried to build something that our community can really benefit from when spending time, money, and effort on this business.

“The theft of the van hasn’t just affected me. It has left Danny without a place to work.

“It’s a place we built together along with the reputation and client base that makes our brand what it is.”

Aaron spent more than £12,000 buying the van and converting it into a fully transportable barber shop.

Since the theft, Aaron has set up a GoFundMe page in hopes of bouncing back.

Aaron Simmons (left) and Danny O'Neill (right) sitting at the back of their Busking Barber vans. Picture: Paul Astley

He asked for £1,000 but within four days, £3,378 has been made from 92 donations as of May 14.

Aaron said: “We can’t quite get our heads around the level of support we have received and not a single person has gone unnoticed.

“I’m so proud of this business, this brand, and the relationships we’ve made with our clients.

“I know a lot of Danny’s clients and pals have donated to replace his tools that were taken so thank you all so much for that too.

Damaged Busking Barber van was found in Queenborough. Picture: Aaron Simmons

“This situation is a reminder that there are positives in the negative stuff that happens and most people are good.

“There’s no chance we can bounce back quickly from it but we will.”

Police confirmed they were made aware of the theft on Friday.