Dating coach reveals the most ‘dangerous’ part of relationships we all know and dread

Dating coach Matthew Hussey has explained why the moment you decide you like somebody is the most dangerous time in a relationship.

Having appeared in publications like Cosmopolitan and GQ, British dating expert Matthew Hussey is about the most qualified person in the relationship field. When he’s not writing books or giving inspiring talks, he’s issuing advice to his followers on social media. Previous glowing tidbits include the red flags in a long-distance relationship and the texting secrets men struggle to resist.

Photo by Cindy Ord/Getty Images for Cosmopolitan

Matthew Hussey issued a warning on social media

Taking to TikTok and Instagram earlier this week, Matthew (@thematthewhussey) opened up to his 3 million followers about why realizing you like someone could pose issues further along the relationship.

“All of us are able to have standards and boundaries when it comes to someone we don’t really care about,” he told his fans. “But when it comes to someone we really want, that is usually the moment that we drop our standards and lose sight of any boundaries we once had.”

The dating coach continued to explain that letting go of your boundaries can actually cause potentially harmful issues for you in the future.

Matthew Hussey noted: “The archetype is that of the anxious person who fawns when they feel like there is a chance they could lose someone. Or when they really want to impress someone. When they want to pull someone closer. When we have the fawn response we typically give too much, certainly we give more than is earned.

“We also fail to advocate for our needs, to truly speak our mind. This makes for a very potent combination. Giving relentlessly while not asking for what we need or not communicating what we feel.”

Stock up on your dating advice

Matthew Hussey’s comments about the dangers of a relationship come just days after he issued a statement on getting over a painful breakup.

Firstly, the Brit urged his followers to consider that they would get better. While it might seem cataclysmic now, the situation could have turned around in a few weeks. He also insisted that there is an “equivalent to you” out there, you just need to look hard enough.