Chilling Video Shows Bullets Whizzing By Texas Boy, 9, Inside His Home After Drive By Shooting

A 9-year-old boy came within inches of being hit by stray bullets while he sat in his house in Fort Worth, Texas, when a drive-by shooting took place at an apartment complex earlier this month.(Photo : GoFundMe)

A chilling video shows bullets whizzing by nine-year-old boy as he sat in his Fort Worth, Texas home, amid a drive-by shooting.

Caught on his family's security camera, Errol Hill got down for cover as gunshots rang into his living room where he saw with his two dogs just before dinner.

The shooting at the apartment complex on Las Vegas Trail on May 2 injured six people, four of whom were children, ranging in ages 3 to 19.

The shooter remains at large.

"It came through the wall," Errol told NBC News.

"I thought it was just fireworks, but when I heard the screams, I looked outside."

His mother, Mary Jane Gonzales, who has two other children, revealed her son now lives in fear of another shooting.

"So, I made sure he was fine, came out here to see where exactly they shot, and as I was out here, I heard all the families downstairs yelling," Gonzales recounted.

The mother of three, a medical assistant, rushed to the aid of the six individuals who were wounded, including the 3-year-old who she said was going in and out of consciousness.

"It forever changed our life. We are traumatized," she said.

"I've never seen anyone get shot, let alone a child."

A GoFundMe page has been set up to help raise funds that will allow the family to relocate to a safer area.

"The fear we felt that night still haunts us, especially our children, who are now scared to stay in the place we've called home for four years," reads the GoFundMe page.

While the family is looking to move away from the complex, they recently signed a new rental lease for the apartment weeks prior to the shooting.