Real Madrid U-turn opens door for Manchester United to pursue 'exceptional' £78m new Varane

As far as Manchester United’s pursuit of a Raphael Varane replacement goes, surely the Premier League giants cannot go too far wrong with a talented young centre-back who has been likened not only to the Frenchman in his younger years, but also Virgil van Dijk?

On Tuesday, the Red Devilsconfirmed one of the worst-kept secrets of the summer.

Raphael Varane may be one of the finest centre-halves of his generation but, with Ineos looking to drag an outdated club into a bold new era, gone is the reliance upon reputations, with a new platform built upon potential and promise.

Varane is arguably still Manchester United‘s best penalty-box defender. But at the age of 31, with injuries taking their toll, and on an eye-watering £340,000-a-week, parting ways with the veteran Frenchman feels like the right move, amid just 16 Premier League starts this season.

Not only from a business perspective but a sporting one too.

Photo by Jean Catuffe/Getty Images

Manchester United announce Raphael Varane exit

Especially when you consider that, in this market, up-and-coming central defensive talents feel particularly widespread. Jarrad Branthwaite of Everton is reportedly target number one – the ‘Carlisle Kaizer’ so impressive this season – but he is only the tip of the iceberg as far as Man United’s central defensive targets go.

A name which had appeared rather unlikely, meanwhile, suddenly feels a lot more attainable. It was believed that Leny Yoro would follow in Varane’s footsteps, not at Manchester United but at Real Madrid instead.

That was, however, until Cadena Ser reporter Anton Meana reported that the Champions League finalists have cooled their interest in Varane’s towering protege in favour of promoting fellow youngster Rafa Marin into a senior role.

“One option was Yoro, the Lille centre-back who is worth a lot of money,” Meana explains. “Madrid is looking at him but does not want to pay a fortune for him.

“According to what we have been told, clubs that have asked Real Madrid about Rafa Marin have received the answer that Rafa Marin is staying.

“Nacho (the veteran defender) is leaving. In theory, Yoro would not come.”

Yoro, despite beginning the season as a 17-year-old, has been one of the first names on Lille’s team sheet in 2023/24. Labelled a potential superstar by one-time United prospect Angel Gomes, Yoro’s rangy frame, aerial presence and his passing range has drawn comparisons with two of the best centre-halves of the modern era.

Likened to Virgil van Djk

“He is a very strong, fast and, above all, an intelligent player. Even so, I think he has a lot of room for improvement. He has incredible potential,” Cesar Arzo, who played in Spain with Villarreal, tells Marca.

“In addition to the aerial game, which he masters perfectly for how young he is, I would say that he is a footballer who adapts to any situation. Any phase and any moment. His performances throughout the season have been very good. Exceptional.

“The first time I saw him, he seemed like the portrait of Raphael Varane. The same attitude, the same maturity at the same age, the same size. Kids like that are a blessing. Yoro is very similar to Varane.

“That top speed that he shows in every game… Technically, he has very good movement,” Arzo adds. “Furthermore, he does not lose duels. It may be creating too many expectations, but he has certain similarities, in terms of physiognomy and physical power, with Van Dijk.”

Lille want nearly £80 million

Rio Ferdinand, who knows a thing or two about defending at the elite level, is equally convinced that Yoro is on his way to becoming a ‘top defender’. The question, however, is whether Man United will pay the £78 million fee Lille are reportedly looking for.

Everton allegedly want a similar fee for Branthwaite.

The former PSV Eindhoven loanee does, however, have the advantage of boasting a proven track record in the Premier League, plus far more experience in senior football.