Re-elected commissioner Darryl Preston pledges commitment to communities

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough’s re-elected Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) has pledged to be the voice of the Fenland residents.

Darryl Preston says he will provide a vital link between communities and the police and hold the Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire Constabulary to account.

Re-elected PCCs are required by law to sign an oath called the Declaration of Acceptance of Office which sets out publicly their commitment to tackling the role with integrity.

Darryl Preston pictured signing the Oath in the presence of Mr Benjamyn Damazer

Darryl signed the oath in the presence of Benjamyn Damazer, JP Dl FMIC ,after being re-elected as the county’s PCC to serve a second term.

At the same time, Darryl adopted the Code of Ethics for policing to further demonstrate his commitment to communities that he will carry out his role in accordance with the principles and standards of professional behaviour expected of all those within policing.

On signing the oath, Darryl said: “I am delighted to have, once again formalised my commitment to represent everyone living and working in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and look forward to working with partners to cut crime, support victims and keep all of our communities safe.”

Darryl has served as Police and Crime Commissioner since May 2021. He was both a front-line police officer and a senior detective for 30 years (in the Met and Cambridgeshire Constabulary) and following retirement worked as a senior official for the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners.