Maidstone Singers join celebrations for Europe Day in Beauvais

A score of Kent performers have travelled to France for a concert to celebrate Europe Day.

The visit to Beauvais by the Maidstone Singers was arranged by the Maidstone Twinning Association.

The Maidstone Singers in action in Beauvais

They gave the French their own rendition of La Marseillaise, the French national anthem, and also took part in a concert in the Theatre du Beauvaisis, where they were joined by an orchestra from Beauvais, opera singers from Dej in Romania and from Setubal in Portugal, and by a string orchestra from Witten in Germany.

Ken Scott, the events organiser for the singers said: “We arrived on Friday afternoon and were involved in a whirlwind of activity.

“There was a formal dinner on Friday night, where Theresa Lyons for the Maidstone Twinning Association gave an excellent speech.

“The concert, which had an operatic theme, was a great success.

“The Maidstone Singers performed the Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves from Nabucco, O Fortuna from Carmina Burana and the European anthem Ode to Joy.

“All were greatly appreciated by a large and enthusiastic audience.”

Speeches of welcome at the Beauvais event

Earlier, the singers took the opportunity to perform informally in Beauvais Cathedral - where Mrs Scott said: “The acoustics were wonderful.”

Mr Scott said: “On Sunday, as a thank-you to the performers, our Beauvais hosts laid on a visit to Paris complete with a river trip along the Seine and lunch laid on.”

Dave Naghi, chairman of the Maidstone Twinning Association, said: “Everyone had a great weekend and the singers represented Maidstone with distinction.”

At the end of May, the Maidstone Singers are off again for a tour of Czechia.

If you want to catch them nearer to home, there is a Magnificat concert at All Saints’ Church in College Road, Maidstone, on Saturday, June 22. Tickets £15 on the door, or £12 in advance from tickets@themaidstone