Germany 'very confident' to land 2027 World Cup as part of joint bid

Bernd Neuendorf, President of the German Football Association (DFB), smiles at an event to mark the handover of the trophy before the 81st DFB Cup final. German officials remain confident that their joint bid with Belgium and the Netherlands for the 2027 women's World Cup will be successful in Friday's vote at the congress of the ruling body FIFA. Monika Skolimowska/dpa

German officials remain confident that their joint bid with Belgium and the Netherlands for the 2027 women's World Cup will be successful in Friday's vote at the congress of the ruling body FIFA.

German Football Federation (DFB) president Bernd Neuendorf said he was holding many talks in the final countdown to the Bangkok vote to convince FIFA members of the bid, with Brazil the only rival.

"We'll throw everything into it to make sure we come out on top at the end of the day after all," Neuendorf said.

"We are very confident. We believe that we have submitted an excellent bid and will do everything we can to ensure that it is successful right up to the last moment."

Brazil are rated light favourites, having scored a little better than the Europeans in an evaluation report. In addition, the women's World Cup has so far never come to South America while it has been held three times in Europe, including Germany in 2011.

It is the first time that the congress will elect the host and not the powerful council, of which Neuendorf is a member.

The European FIFA member federations will back the joint bid, while Brazil can count on the votes from the entire American continent after the United States and Mexico withdrew a joint bid and rather aim for the 2031 edition.

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