'One-man crime wave': Jamie Raskin demands Trump be held accountable for oil baron grift

Jamie Raskin/office of Rep. Jamie Raskin.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) appeared on CNN Wednesday to sing the praises of Angela Alsobrooks, who won the Democratic primary for the Senate race on Tuesday night and will face off against former Republican Gov. Larry Hogan.

But, after trashing Donald Trump for putting Republicans in the position for races to come down to who will codify reproductive freedom, Raskin took aim at a meeting Trump had with big oil companies where he allegedly offered a quid pro quo — and demanded action.

The Washington Post reported Trump met executives for oil companies where he offered major policy concessions if they would raise $1 billion for his campaign. The executives were reportedly "stunned."

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"You want an investigation," said CNN host Dana Bash. "What in there is illegal? What do you think that he did that broke the law?"

"We know that the ex-president pocketed nearly $8 million from foreign governments, including China, Saudi Arabia, and other autocratic regimes in violations of the Foreign Emoluments Clause when he was president," he said.

Raskin concluded that this is an ongoing pattern for Trump.

"But now, amazingly, he goes to the CEOs and executives of gas and oil companies and says, you guys should raise me $1 billion because you're gonna get a lot more back from me in everything that I'm going to give to you in terms drilling rights, and changing the pro-environment policies of the Biden administration."

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He said if that is not against the law, because he's not currently president, then "it should be against the law."

Raskin asked for an investigation, calling it, "Very clearly a quid pro quo arrangement that was advanced by Donald Trump, who remains a one-man crime wave. We will follow the investigation and see where it goes."

The U.S. Senate is "likely" to take up the investigation, said Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.)

See the comments from Raskin below or at the link here.

'One-man crime wave': Lawmaker demands probe into Trump quid pro quo with big oil www.youtube.com

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