Mojeek search engine now offers generative AI summaries

Mojeek, the no-tracking search engine used by all Iliffe Media websites – including the Cambridge Independent – has released a major new version of its software that includes AI search summaries.

This major new version of Mojeek “has been done in a way that respects the open web, avoids Big Tech dependency whilst providing user agency and privacy”, says the company.

Colin Hayhurst, CEO of Mojeek

The updated service includes large language model (LLM) generated summaries as well as standard search results. From a search, the user receives the specific results plus a summary of the topic – including citations – also available on the page.

For instance, if you search ‘Cambridge aurora display’ at, you will see a list of the top 10 links from 58,804 listed results, delivered in 0.08 seconds – including the Cambridge Independent’s report headlined ‘Stunning aurora borealis lights up Cambridge night sky’.

Then, on the right hand side of the page, under ‘Summary’, you will see a summary of the topic with numbered citations linking you to the original source.

The Mojeek search engine was originally a personal project launched by Marc Smith, a UK developer, in 2004. It announced a no-tracking service in 2006 – and the policy remains in place making it unique as an international web search engine.

Mojeek now offers AI search summaries Picture: Keith Heppell

Alongside the no-tracking policy, and the AI-generated summaries, Mojeek utilises Mixtral, an LLM from a French AI start-up, thus avoiding reliance on Big Tech companies with whom Mojeek competes.

It is also censorship-resistant – the summaries are generated using content extracted from the Mojeek search index, so are free of Big Tech search censorship.

Users can also choose to turn summaries on or off, based on their preference.

Colin Hayhurst, CEO of Mojeek, said of the latest update: “Generative AI summaries will sometimes hallucinate, so without links back to the originating sources they are untrustworthy and opaque. With keyword and semantic matching Mojeek ranks relevant search results for user queries, whilst also providing fair links and traffic back to the originating sources, where the user can get further details and check accuracy for themselves.”

Visit to give it a try.