Unethical Lying Sleazebag (Cartoon, Column and Video)

Donald Trump, his crappy lawyers, and crappy Republicans are attempting to discredit Michael Cohen who testified this week in the Trump hush money case.

Cohen was the money man in paying Stormy Daniels $130,000 to keep quiet about her awkward and uncomfortable hotel quickie with Donald Trump. The way the scheme worked was that Cohen would pay Daniels with his own money and later be reimbursed by Trump. Cohen paid Daniels the full $130,000 upfront and Trump would repay Cohen in installments in order to conceal his connection to the payments to Daniels and because he’s cheap. When Trump created invoices for the payments to Cohen, he listed them as legal fees.

In case you’re not already aware of this, paying off a porn star not to talk about a gross shagging is NOT a legal fee.

Trump, his crappy lawyers, and crappy Republicans are trying to convince the public that they can’t believe anything Michael Cohen says because he’s a perjured convicted criminal, and generally an all-around scumbag. All that is true which makes me ask, why did he work for Trump for 12 years?

If Michael Cohen is such a dishonorable person and a lying piece of crap, why did Trump keep him around for so long? Why did Trump hire him in the first place? Because that’s what Trump wanted.

Michael Cohen was officially Trump’s lawyer, but his real job was being Trump’s fixer. For example, he’d call reporters and intimidate them over a story they were writing about his boss. He’d call The Wharton School and threaten them not to release Trump’s transcripts even though they can’t legally do that anyway. He’d lie to reporters and even members of Congress for Trump, which is one reason he went to prison. And then he’d pay off a porn star to be quiet about her one night in Bangcock.

Remember, Trump claims he only hires the “best” people and while Michael Cohen was an extremely crappy lawyer before he lost his license to practice, he was the best at fixing and pulling his boss’ ass out of the ringer. The stuff Cohen did for Trump was very mob-like, and that’s exactly how Trump and Cohen saw themselves, as the mob.

When someone turns on the mob and makes a deal with prosecutors, the government’s witnesses are mobsters. Informants aren’t usually good guys. Is Cohen a good guy? No, but find a good person in the Trump Organization. How about the Trump Organization’s chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg? He’s currently serving a second sentence in Rikers Island. How about other Trump employees, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, George Papadopoulos, Rick Gates, etc? They were all convicted and sentenced to prison. Trump only hires the best people.

If so many associates of Donald Trump are convicted felons, what does that make the guy who hires them?

Michael Cohen is an unethical lying sleazebag who didn’t do any of his sleazing without it being a direct order from his boss, Donald Trump, another unethical lying sleazebag.

On another note: Don’t get your hopes up with this trial. Don’t believe Trump will be found guilty or even if he is, sentenced to prison.

The case is not about Trump cheating on his wife, sleeping with a porn star, lying about it, making hush payments, lying about those, or even hiding the payments. It’s about how he reported the payments, and I’m not sure a jury can be convinced he broke the law regarding the filing.

The prosecution has proven Trump is a lying unethical scumbag, but they may not have proven their case yet and maybe they won’t. Remember, only one juror has to side with the defense. And the jury may find he broke the law but not that any of it amounts to a felony.

And if the jury does find Trump guilty on any of the 34 counts, this will be his first offense. A first-time offender would usually only receive probation, not a jail sentence. The judge has already stated he doesn’t want to send Trump to jail.

This is all very depressing because this is the weakest of Trump’s four criminal trials. The more serious ones, attempting to steal an election, staging an insurrection, and stealing classified documents won’t be tried until after the election…if ever.

Don’t let MSNBC get your hopes up.

Watch me draw:

Visit Clay Jones’ website www.claytoonz.com and email him at Clay@claytoonz.com.

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