'Just making sure'... Rasmus Hojlund hits back with message after scoring for Manchester United, he's full of confidence

Manchester United oddly lined up without a striker for the home fixture with Newcastle United.

This was not a slight on Rasmus Hojlund, who was left on the bench. Instead it was designed to give him a breather and take him out of the firing line.

Hojlund, 21, came off the bench late in the game against Newcastle to score Manchester United’s third and put the team 3-1 up. It proved to be winner, with the Red Devils winning 3-2.

This was Hojlund’s 15th goal of the season, a solid return which might just get a little bit better with two matches remaining.

Photo by Joe Prior/Visionhaus via Getty Images

Rasmus Hojlund fires back

It’s been a bit of a tough spell for Rasmus Hojlund since returning from injury in March, and Manchester United fans are learning that he’s still a streaky player, rather than a consistent one.

There has been some advice sent his way this week from Andy Cole, who constructively pointed out that he needs to avoid wrestling with defenders and getting sucked into a physical battle.

And then there has been some very critical comments, which some would describe as a ‘hit piece’, which we won’t link back to, suggesting Manchester United players did not want to pass to him because they were sceptical it would help.

This was instantly disproven by Bruno Fernandes setting him up with a chance, which he took instantly.

All Hojlund needs are chances. And he made a further mockery of these claims with his celebration which put his finger over his lips, and a message on Instagram.

Hojlund wrote: “Just making sure the number on my back was visible.”

His message intended to show he was aware of the criticism, and thought little of it, wanting the media to recognise his contribution, from the assist work of one of his teammates.

Rasmus Hojlund praised

There was praise for the way Rasmus Hojlund took his goal, with MUTV pundit David May speaking to the channel to commend the way he took it.

He made the point that this was no simple tap-in, instead his movement and accuracy led to the ball hitting the back of the net.

May said: “Rasmus, I mean the last few weeks have obviously been frustrating for him, the opportunity to actually get goals, or people creating goals for him.

“He made that really himself, as much as Bruno laid him in, he still had a lot of work to do, and that was a brilliant finish.”