Xi assures Putin of continued close cooperation in Beijing

Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) meets Chinese President Xi Jinping during a two-day state visit to China. -/Kremlin/dpa

Chinese President Xi Jinping has assured Russian President Vladimir Putin of close cooperation during his visit to Beijing.

A steady development of Sino-Russian relations contributes to peace, stability and prosperity in the region and the world, Xi said in talks with Putin on Thursday, according to state media.

China is Russia's most important ally, which is largely isolated internationally due to its invasion of Ukraine.

Beijing serves as an important trading partner for the country, which has been targeted by multiple Western sanctions.

Germany, the US and other supporters of Ukraine accuse China of not exerting enough pressure on Russia and even indirectly supporting Moscow's invasion of its neighbour.

As he greeted Putin, Xi congratulated his "old friend" on his fifth term in office and expressed confidence that Russia's development would make "great progress" under him.

According to state media reports, the Chinese leader did not mention the war against Ukraine in his welcoming speech. Xi said that China-Russia relations had become stronger and had withstood the "test of a changing international landscape."

Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) and Chinese President Xi Jinping inspect the guard of honour during a welcoming ceremony during a two-day state visit to China. -/Kremlin/dpa

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