3 things to do in Bratislava for free in the next seven days

| | Festival

Orfeus 2024

May 22, 21:00 Orfeus Fusion KS Dvorana (Zochova 1)

For 23 years, the Orfeus Festival has been presenting the work of talented students of the Department of Composition and Conducting to the HTF VŠMU and guests.

The aim of the festival is to support the development of contemporary music creation and to provide composers with the opportunity to premiere their compositions in a creative and inspiring environment, where they can receive feedback from their colleagues and the listening public.


©Facebook - Make Friends events

Make friends in Bratislava

Tuesday, May 21, from 19:00-21:00, at Andersen Cafe & Bar, Rajská 7 in Bratislava

Meet new people, speak with them in any language, and make new friends during the weekly event at Andersen Cafe & Bar.

You can read all the details and rules here at the Facebook event.


©Wikimedia Commons

Hiking tip for a forest walk

This walk is simple. It generally follows unmarked paths that veer off the main path and into the forest. The walk's destination is Bratislavský Drieňovec, after which it will pass through Dieliky and arrive at the village of Líščie Diery.

The hike should end in Rača by about 15:00. The trail is roughly 13 km long and should take about 4.5 hours.

If you would like to go on the hike, use this map.

If you have tips for free events in Bratislava or you would like to share your hiking or cycling trip ideas with readers, let me know at kseniia.husieva@spectator.sk.