‘A little bit tedious’: Brendan Rodgers ribs media nonsense before Celtic title win

Celtic’s title win will feel really sweet for Brendan Rodgers this morning.

As well as winning over the remaining doubters in the Celtic support, he has also answered those critics in the media who doubted that he could get the title over the line.

Rodgers has mentioned on a few occasions this season about a ‘media narrative‘ that was being peddled about his team.

But after sealing Celtic’s third title in a row, Rodgers just answered those media critics in the best way possible.

And before the Rugby Park kick-off last night, the Hoops gaffer couldn’t resist taking another pop.

Rodgers hits back at ‘tedious’ media

Rodgers has had to put up with a lot from the Scottish media this season. From the manufactured Jane Lewis drama to the aforementioned narrative, there were many who were queueing up to take a pop at the Celtic boss.

And Rodgers couldn’t resist taking a wee dig back.

Speaking on BBC Radio Scotland prior to kick-off, the Celtic manager took a little swipe at the media treatment he has received this season:

Rodgers: “It’s been very challenging in so many ways. A little bit tedious, I have to say, at times.”

BBC reporter: “I hope that’s not my questions.”

Rodgers (laughing): “Well, one of many! But no, listen, I think the boys have been absolutely brilliant.

“I think we stayed really focused on what it is we had to do. It’s not been vintage Celtic. I know that, the supporters will know that.

Photo by Ian MacNicol/Getty Images

“But it’s always important, especially in this year to look to get the job done. So we’re just at the line. We now need to cross it in these next couple of games.”

And whilst it was said in a good-natured way, Rodgers’ timing of the comment was absolutely on point.

The Celtic boss has had to put up with some amount of nonsense written and said about him from the media pundits and after last night, Rodgers can have a very satisfied feeling inside as we watch the ensuing media back-peddling commence.