Helldivers 2 becomes PlayStation’s fastest-selling game ever

‘Helldivers 2’ has become PlayStation’s fastest-selling game of all time.

The 2024 third-person-shooter, which was developed by Arrowhead Studios, stormed onto the scene in February 2024, and quickly became Sony’s most popular title on Steam ever - beating the previous record-holder ‘God of War: Ragnarok’. Now, the company has confirmed the game has sold over 12 million copies, much to the delight of Arrowhead’s CEO Johan Pilestedt.

Taking to X, he wrote: “As announced in the Sony earnings call, we have sold over 12M units!

“It’s crazy to think that there are more Helldivers than there are Swedes (sic).

“What a massive achievement from everyone involved in realizing @Helldivers2. A massive thank you to the community for your support (sic).”

Although the game has proven to be a major hit, ‘Helldivers 2’ narrowly escaped a dramatic fall from grace due to Sony’s PlayStation Network (PSN) debacle.

After the business announced plans to force PC users to link their game to a PSN account, angry players banded together to “review bomb” the title, which eventually convinced Sony to reverse their decision.

Once the ordeal was over, Johan admitted he was “impressed” by the community’s united response to the policy, and thanked Sony for seeing sense.

He tweeted: “Firstly, I am impressed by the willpower of the ‘Helldivers 2’ community and your ability to collaborate.

“Secondly I want to thank our partners and friends at PlayStation for quickly and effectively making the decision to leave PSN linking optional.

“We together want to set a new standard for what a live game is and how developers and community can support each other to create the best game experiences.”

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