Wilders promises 'strictest asylum policy' in Dutch history

The far-right Dutch populist Geert Wilders on Thursday announced a radical change of course in the Netherlands, as he presented a coalition agreement promising a crackdown on immigration.

"We are writing history today," Wilders said in The Hague. "The sun will shine again in the Netherlands."

Wilders' Party for Freedom (PVV) reached a coalition with three right-of-centre parties on Wednesday nearly six months after the Netherlands held parliamentary elections.

The anti-Islam firebrand promised the "strictest asylum policy" ever implemented in the Netherlands.

The coalition wants to declare an "asylum crisis" in order to implement emergency measures, including restrictions on family reunification and social benefits for asylum seekers.

"The Netherlands must belong to the category of member states with the strictest admission rules in Europe," the agreement states.

The plans also include relaxing environmental regulations for farmers and cancelling subsidies for sustainable energy.

One potential roadblock for the coalition remains, as it is still unclear who will lead the government.

The PVV resoundingly won November's elections, taking 37 of 150 seats, but Wilders has been unable to muster enough support to replace outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte. He formally ruled himself out of the running in March.

Former education minister Ronald Plasterk, a Social Democrat, has been touted as a possible candidate for the role.

The coalition is set to include the PVV, Rutte's liberal People's Party for Freedom and Democracy, the conservative New Social Contract (NSC) and the populist Farmer-Citizen Movement (BBB).

It could be another four weeks before the new government can take office. The Dutch Parliament will debate the coalition agreement, while a cabinet will also need to be formed.