18 new Ukrainian-made weapons get green light from Defense Ministry

Ukrainian ammunition

In the first three months of 2024 alone, the Ministry of Defense has greenlit more than 80 samples of Ukrainian-made weapons and equipment for the army.

The Defense Ministry noted that 24 newly codified weapons were put into operation over the past week.

Read also: Ukraine manufactures 8 Bohdana howitzers monthly — report

Weapons production in Ukraine

Ukraine needs to boost its own production capabilities and increase weapons manufacturing due to delays in assistance from international partners, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on April 12.

On April 13, Zelenskyy stated that there are 500 defense industry production facilities in Ukraine.

Read also: Western weapons alone will not win the war for Ukraine - Made-in-Ukraine production is necessary

Earlier, Andriy Yusov, a representative of the Defense Ministry's Main Intelligence Directorate (HUR), mentioned that Ukraine had started producing analogs of the American M113, MaxxPro, and Humvee armored vehicles during the full-scale war, and these vehicles are already being used in combat.

According to The New York Times, Ukraine is currently producing eight Bohdana self-propelled artillery systems every month. Before the full-scale war, Ukraine had only one Bohdana in service.

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Section: Nation

Author: Богуслав Романенко